
  • Amaël, Acmos, 3 guerrier skot Tabletop +

    4 figurines résine au 54mm sur socle texturé de 40mm et 1 figurine sur socle de 80mm. Sculpture...

    270,00€ inc. tax Unavailable

  • Soldes Beaver


    1 54mm resin miniature and itsr 40mm textured base, no card. Can be used to embody the "Forme Castor"...

    20,00€ 15,00€ inc. tax

  • Soldes Bonnie Heart, Flibustière

    Bonnie Heart, Flibustière

    54mm resin miniature, its 40mm textured base and profile cards (in French – Downloadable in English...

    26,00€ 19,50€ inc. tax

  • Soldes Crow


    1 x 54mm resin miniature and profile card (in French – Downloadable in English here). Sculpture...

    16,00€ 12,00€ inc. tax

  • Soldes Cruth


    2 x 54mm resin miniatures, their 40mm textured base and profile cards (in French – Downloadable...

    27,00€ 20,25€ inc. tax

  • Filid & Damba Tabletop +

    2 figurines résine au 54mm sur socle texturé de 40mm. Sculpture : E. Pontié. Peinture...

    100,00€ inc. tax

  • Soldes Laoch Thuaidh & Alçès

    Laoch Thuaidh & Alçès

    54mm resin Rider and Mount on an 80mm textured base, 54mm resin miniature on an 40mm textured base...

    55,00€ 41,25€ inc. tax